Friday, 18 September 2015


This clip from the Martin Scorsese film Goodfellas features loads of people at a bar around christmas time with 'frosty the snowman' playing in the background. This clip features Jimmy welcoming people in with a smile on his face then when one of the guests shows him the car he just bought the volume of the music begins to go down and Jimmy starts to sweat and the camera shows the rest of the people in the bar have averted their gaze to the argument. Then the music completely stops and the mood changes from being happy and festive to cold and bitter. Another couple emter and a woman is wearing an expensive fur coat,  Jimmy immediately rips it off her, as Jimmy knows that this stuff wiill bring attention to the crime they committed to obtain these items, however Jimmy is bringing more attention to himself by acting paranoid and irrational.

This clip taken from Batman The dark knight, this clip features the joker take control of a kitchen full of gangsters and criminals. Everybody in the room is dressed in smart suits then the joker comes in wearing a purple suit, green hair and makeup on his face so even without speaking all of the attention goes towards him. Also when the joker is being spoken to the camera is looking over his shoulder to the people around him and when he is speaking the camera is looking directly towards him. The facial expressions of the criminals suggest they are becoming increasingly angered by the jokers proposals and stand up to him, and without saying anything the joker unveils a line of explosives in his jacket. This is a threat and the criminals move backwards. Also the facial expressions of the joker suggest he isnt mentally stable and is deeply troubled with his eyes moving around and his licking his lips constantly.
This sci-fi movie 'interstellar' features people landing on another planet which is full of liquid water, at first the background seems to reveal mountains but as the volume and intensity of the music increases the mountains turn out to be giant waves and all of the astronauts make a dash to get back to the ship but it is increasingly hard to run as the gravity is stronger in that planet. This makes the situation more intense as somebody has gotten stuck under some rubble and the waves are closing in.As most of them make it back to the space ship the once calm shallow water has become frenzied and people on board are panicking as suggested by their facial expressions.

This still from the movie white chicks shows the two main characters in a club with low lighting and their facial expressions and body language suggest that they are in disagreement with someone. The make up here is obvious as they are two undercover male agents dressed up as women, however the people around them haven't realised that yet.Also the people around them look shocked, as if theyve said something to the wrong peole, nevertheless they still seem confident. This prompts the audience to think that some kind of 'battle' is about to take place and with this being in a night club a dance battle is about to take place. With this film being a comedy the audience can expect to see something unrealistic but funny.

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